Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Utopian indeed, but highly presumptuous upon the perfect and long-term nature of the people in command...and an educated public. In this case there are few clearer examples for economist George Akerlof's discussions on information asymmetry The_Market_for_Lemons .

Given that and the horrid record that capitalism has for failing to short-term solutions when problems poke their omnipresent heads, I would go for the government role in creating logical regulations for corporate behavior, and regulations that allow for self-certification if associated with mandatory in-house training (in the field and in the ethics of holding the standard) plus mandatory outside inspections. Much like what Robert enumerated, but well into the ISO 9001 mentality.

As far as your simpering attempt to excuse your ridiculous try at cleverness while bashing Robert, give it up. Neither the bashing nor the excuse create your desired effect.

Never underestimate their intelligence, always underestimate their knowledge.

Frank Delaney ~ Ireland

by siegestate (siegestate or beyondwarispeace.com) on Tue Apr 15th, 2008 at 08:34:40 AM EST
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