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Finland has a short growing season and with everyone planting at the same time the crops mature at the same time meaning you'd have to buy your entire years supply of whatever all at once, and store them, or the farmers have to store the produce and dribble them out over the year.  My guess is most people don't have the space to stock a couple of tons of veggies and the farmers cannot afford to purchase the storage equipment and absorb the costs of running 'em.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre
by ATinNM on Wed Apr 16th, 2008 at 11:16:19 PM EST
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Canning, man, canning.

Like our grandparents...

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Thu Apr 17th, 2008 at 12:26:25 AM EST
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Freezing is the better, cheaper, and more versatile technology for unprocessed food preservation.  

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre
by ATinNM on Thu Apr 17th, 2008 at 10:03:56 AM EST
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Yet another achievement of the mighty Welsh Imperium

It was the Welsh (Not very far from InWales place) who worked out how to can Beer.

Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.

by ceebs (ceebs (at) eurotrib (dot) com) on Thu Apr 17th, 2008 at 10:57:15 AM EST
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And beer always tastes colder out of a can.

I never did understand the bottle thing...

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Thu Apr 17th, 2008 at 12:43:01 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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