Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
As a treat for Jérôme and the rest of us, surrounded as we are by the plutocratic press, lets revisit the Bullshit Britain artilce, written by Larry Elliot in the Guardian, some time ago.

When you get down to it, this is a country that tries to make its living from talk, talk and more talk.

One way of looking at Britain is as one big offshore hedge fund churning speculators' money while asset-strippers draw up plans for the few remaining factories to be turned into industrial theme parks.

And it really would not do to say that Britain is a servant economy, even though there are at least four million people "in service" and the proportion of the population employed by the well-off to do their cooking, cleaning, childcare and gardening is as high as it was in the 1860s.

More than half of the UK's effort in R&D is spent in just two sectors, pharmaceuticals and aerospace - two sectors, incidentally, where support from the government via the NHS and the Ministry of Defence has been considerable over many decades.

This article was produced to announce the realease of the book "Fantasy Island" by  Larry Elliot and Dan Atkinson. This fact supports the idea that words close to the truth can appear in the mainstream press only by quoting someone who is not a reporter, or something written in a format other than a newspaper.

by findmeaDoorIntoSummer on Mon May 19th, 2008 at 08:32:37 AM EST

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