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(I don't know about the case WRT the chemical industry)
Chemical factories are criticised for other reasons: Mainly that a lot of them churn out substances that have not been rigorously tested for safety and efficacy.
As for nuclear plants, that may well look silly today, where the waste disposal problems have been if not solved then at least substantially mitigated, but do you really think that that progress would have happened if not for a strong lobby against "burn and dump" nuclear plants?
If you do, I invite you to take a look at the hardrock mining industry, where the waste disposal problems have simple technical solutions... But these are only implemented when substantial political pressure is applied. And if after examining that exhibit, you still think that substantial progress would have been made in nuclear waste management and disposal if the industry had been left to its own devices, then I have some $100 oil futures I want to sell.
And, of course, opposition to nuclear power might look less silly when you consider the fact that proliferation of peaceful nuclear technology makes it easier for countries to expand into - shall we say - less benign uses of the atom.
- Jake Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.
Mehr als 25 neue Kohlekraftwerke sollen in den nächsten Jahren in Deutschland gebaut werden. Allen voran wollen RWE, Vattenfall, e.on und EnBW wieder in die Technik von gestern investieren. Will Deutschland seine Klimaziele erreichen, darf es keine neuen Kohlekraftwerke geben.
Kampf gegen Kohle (Campaign of the German Green Party)
Kohlekraftwerke sind der Klimakiller Nr. 1. Dennoch planen Vattenfall, RWE & Co. mehr als 30 neue Kohlekraftwerke allein in Deutschland. informiert und bündelt den bundesweiten Widerstand. Hilf auch Du mit und stoppe die Klimakiller. In der Rubrik "Kampf gegen Kohle" findest du die aktuellsten Informationen zum Widerstand, eine interaktive Online-Karte, alle Ansprechpartner vor Ort und vieles mehr.
The viability of nuclear in Germany doesn't rest exclusively in the hands of mindless German politicians, but also in the hands of mindless Swedish politicians. ;) Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.
Garzweiler II was a defeat, but it was something, I'd say. *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
Ok, one could argue that windmill and solar subsidies are 'anti-coal', but I think that big industrial power consumers still can make a deal with a power companies to get electricity essentially at the price as it comes from a coal fired plant, so I wouldn't directly count wind as anti-coal. And nuclear... There were really enough (good) discussions about nuclear in this forum... Der Amerikaner ist die Orchidee unter den MenschenVolker Pispers
But why should others subsidize your choice to live in a place where it's cold?
Furthermore, if I want to have an old car in my garage, which I only drive a few dozen miles a year, why should I have to pay a tax based on its lousy fuel economy?
It seems to me that the taxation system should try to account for externalities like pollution and try to stay away from penalties based purely on subjective bias.
Well duh, because whatever the number of miles you drive a year, your emissions are less if you drive a more fuel efficient car. Are we to reduce CO2 emissions or just travel volumes? *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
If fuel taxes make you later decide it was a bad idea to buy the car because you didn't take into account the cost to own but only the cost to buy you can scrap the car and you've already paid tax on the environmental impact of building it. When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done. — John M. Keynes
"Were those transfigured drum cans art? Though clearly not part of the institutional artworld, they were just as obviously part of an installation work of deliberate design aimed at providing experiences that could be described as meaningful, thought-provoking, and aesthetically provocative. And the deliberative design of this installation suggests that it was obviously "about something" (a condition Danto deems necessary for being art). I think a pragmatist aesthetic could permit this possibility"
I think a pragmatist aesthetic could permit this possibility"
And thus I have taken a stand in that debate too. (No, not really, I just googled up some oil drums as art. This and this was the first thing I found. I doubt either of their drums are filled, but it would not make it less arty if they were.) Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper
I would prefer to more tightly couple the problem and the cost of the problem. If the problem is the burning of oil, then the tax should be applied to that part of the process, not the device that actually does the burning...
Upthread, I entered into a discussion of the merits of taxing environmental externalities purely on the basis of their environmental impact vs. taxing based on both environmental and social considerations.
The short version of my stance is that in the ideal world, environmental taxes should serve environmental concerns and redistributive taxes should serve to redistribute the wealth. In the real world, however, there is a realpolitik argument for not making environmental taxes too regressive and not hitting necessary subsistence goods too hard.
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