Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Thanks for the reference. I do harp on that issue a bit, and I know I'm not the first to do so, but the point keeps getting lost on a lot of normally really smart people. They just buy into the line that we need natural gas to make ammonia, and what we really need is H2, and we don't NEED CH4 to make H2. Or coal. Or, nukes...and another excuse to fill up Yucky Mountain even faster....

For example, see http://www.strandedwind.org/node/199

Anyway, tomorrow I go to make a pitch to a local investor with respect to a wind and water to ammonia project. My first business proposal....It's a bit of a long shot, but then who would have thought that ammonia would be quoted at $1200/ton for delivery in the fall of 2008, both in NY and Iowa?


So, here's to good luck

by nb41 on Sun Jul 20th, 2008 at 04:48:49 PM EST
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