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... is the binding constraint means:
  1. that political victories will translate into successes, which is the raw material for more political clout; and
  2. that its a more straightforward case to advocate.

There are lots of potential steps ahead that need more than just the political will. But there are some ready for prime time steps that can be taken immediately:

  1. major roll out of wind turbine generation

  2. major roll out of a national electric freight rail grid

Those don't need anything except the right policy framework, to start immediately.

I've been accused of being a Marxist, yet while Harpo's my favourite, it's Groucho I'm always quoting. Odd, that.
by BruceMcF (agila61 at netscape dot net) on Mon Jul 21st, 2008 at 10:05:34 AM EST
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