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European Tribune - Comments - Odds & Ends: 99 Luftballons Edition
I'm also not going to read anything into the fact that the peace/nuclear disarmament movement is so incredibly defunct and impotent that even the Hapsburg dynasty has better odds at making a successful comeback.

Heh. (But in a scary way.)

It's not even simply about world domination and personal profit.  Those explain the actions of the interested parties, but hardly the popular hysteria this Caucasus crisis has unleashed in America.  How does one explain that?  On what grounds do our people so eagerly embrace the narrative of Russia as the enemy?   What makes it so easy for people to ignore, even gamble away the gains of the last 20 years?


Possibly the biggest problem for Superpower Psychology is that evil is always out there somewhere - i.e. somewhere else.

And certainly not in here. Uh uh.

There's also the usual basic profiteering to look forward to as well. (But that almost goes without saying now.)

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Tue Aug 19th, 2008 at 07:56:26 PM EST

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