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Boxes to do that already exist, and show a sad side of commercials: when given the choice between them and a black screen, people prefer the commercials
by GreatZamfir on Tue Jan 13th, 2009 at 03:09:23 AM EST
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Or, if they prerecord the shows and filter out the ads, then they don't get black screens at all :)

$E(X_t|F_s) = X_s,\quad t > s$
by martingale on Tue Jan 13th, 2009 at 03:31:04 AM EST
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Of course, but skipping the commercials in recordings is something people are already perfectly capable of. The slight benefit of having it done automatically is probably lost if the filter also accidentally blocks some parts of the regular show.

But now that hard-disk recording is on the rise, and you can watch ashow that is still getting taped, software ad blockers might become popular. Then again, hwo many people do you know that install ad blockers on their browser?

by GreatZamfir on Tue Jan 13th, 2009 at 04:09:45 AM EST
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That's why a consistent ad volume increase can't last, as it lowers the likelihood of software misidentifying ad sections (although there are many tricks used to identify ads, and obviously this won't affect filters which don't use volume as a heuristic).

If they want to beat statistical classifiers, what advertisers really need in the long run is for their ads to blend seamlessly into the show, and that really only works if they can match both the statistics of the soundtrack and the colour statistics of the video. That's pretty much hopeless for general purpose ads - they really would have to be built with a particular show (series) in mind, maybe have the same actors plug the products like in the 50s.

All the people I know use ad blockers, except me. I've been using a text browser (w3m) for years, and have never needed one.

$E(X_t|F_s) = X_s,\quad t > s$

by martingale on Tue Jan 13th, 2009 at 04:41:07 AM EST
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Many, if not most, point-and-click browsers have ad-blocking features enabled by default. Turning them off can be an enlightening, if unpleasant, experience...

- Jake

Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.

by JakeS (JangoSierra 'at' gmail 'dot' com) on Tue Jan 13th, 2009 at 06:39:20 AM EST
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