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Indeed, Merkel and Sarkozy were last seen agreeing that EADS had to be a 'normal company'.
Merkel, Sarkozy to Tackle Airbus Issues at Toulouse Summit | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 16.07.2007

"EADS has to become a normal company," President Sarkozy said at the Paris Air Show last month, underlining complications caused by the group's unusual management and shareholder structure.

"We agree with the view that a company like EADS can only exist if it has efficient structures," said Merkel at the end of May after a meeting with the French Prime Minister Francois Fillon.
Which is all fine but doesn't explain why we should be subsidising jobs in China and Russia, plus the bootstrapping of the Chinese and Russian airspace industry, at a time when even Boeing has gotten the memo that global sourcing has gone too far.

Or: we've seen that close coordination between Germany and France on a major industrial project (building a new airplane) was difficult. So now we're going to draw in many more partners!

It's a short term strategy that will come to bite Airbus in the back.

by nanne (zwaerdenmaecker@gmail.com) on Sat Jan 17th, 2009 at 04:11:39 AM EST
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