Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I would like to kindly notice that, if you consider the referenda in the 3 countries which voted for the EU Constitution as one pan-european election, then the treaty should be approuved, because the sum of Yes vote has been higher than the no vote when adding the 3 countries together.

That would indeed be an actual european decision...

PS: I know that a lot of french left wing parties are quite sensitive to the debate on the constitution. I feel it wrong, because a constitution is only what people make  out of it, with or without an actual text or document. If you consider important to defend a specific policy on that point, that's up to you. But i feel you energy would be much better used elsewhere.

by Xavier in Paris on Sun Jan 4th, 2009 at 04:12:50 PM EST
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Hi Xavier and merci for your comment

This vote was not pan-european, there were distincts votes not even referendum in 80% of the members states... These votes were made by parliamentaries which in their majority voted yes when (like forecast in France, Holland, Ireland, Germany... ) when people were in majority against!?
A Newropeans' request would have been to have a referendum the same day in all member states with the same question, YES or NO, as a treaty like enlargments are important decisions for which Europeans have to be consulted.
Not sure the constitution would have been more successful this way... and if yes then Newropeans would have been in favor of it.. because people would have decided to vote YES! Simple.. Democracy..
No more no less... no left or right approach... just democracy.

by David (dcarayol at yahoo.fr) on Sun Jan 4th, 2009 at 04:55:18 PM EST
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My question is a bit more precise: If such an election took place, would you yield to the global result, whichever results the local vote in your own country had been.

If yes, then welcome to a truly pan european federal state (and election).

If not, you're simply transferring the usual government veto mode to a more popular basis, without modifying the way Europe is considered (and decided upon).

I don't know where your party is located, but I feel that in France, a lot of left wing parties are positioned on the second one, which is no different than the classical euroskeptic defense of unanimity.

by Xavier in Paris on Mon Jan 5th, 2009 at 10:54:10 AM EST
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