Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Found some info on wikipedia.

Newropeans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Newropeans calls for increased democratisation of the EU. They want an elected Union government, the ratification of changes to EU treaties by referendum and a unified immigration policy. Its programme is also in favour of decentralisation and restructuring of the institutions which are mainly concentrated in Brussels, but also spread among Strasbourg and Luxembourg. The party wants to ground the European Union Budget on a direct tax instead of contributions by the treasuries of member states, and opposes the lifelong judicial immunity granted to EU officials. According to the official website, the party focuses mainly on reform of the EU system, and has currently little agenda beyond that.

And from there an official blog.

Newropeans in London - transnational european political movement for the democratisation of the EU - european party

Newropeans Newsletter
November 2007

Not updated since 2007.

So, I would say good goals (from wikipedia), and do give Newropeans a helping hand in registering so that they can at least run somewhere. And Harald, update the site and at links from there to sites needing signatures for registering.

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by A swedish kind of death on Sun Jan 4th, 2009 at 08:36:24 AM EST
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