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Hi Franck and all,

Thanks for your comments. It seems indeed Newropeans' website had some rest today, maybe because we're sunday...
But here I found the link towards Newropeans' programme here:

but Newropeans' core programme to democratize the European Union is really the 'heart' of Newropeans' project. Our goal is to democratize the EU, and this is a full job to do over the next decade at least...
So here are Newropeans' 16 proposals to democratize the EU here:

Now regarding this small foreword I can answer your questions.
Lisbon, Newropeans is against the EU constitution which is exactly the same thing than the treaty of Lisbon because people voted now in 3 countries... and probably more if you consider that National parliaments don't represent well people in lots of European countries... See the Parliament in France who agreed to the EU constitution at 90% when French people voted against..

Social market. Newropeans wants to preserve the European social model as Europeans people want!

Common taxation system: Newropeans is in favor of a European tax directly paid by European citizens to finance the EU. This would not be a tax in more but a new way to finance the EU, make European citizen feel directly involved in the EU, and prevent this kind of wild deals one can see between national governments at the last 2007 - 2013 budget voting!? Governments and national parties are only behaving egoistically to preserve their self national interests.. nothing more..

And when they play the game of the EU it's only to state then than they have no choice but to go in the way Brussels decided while they've been directly associated through the European Council and with the European commission to these European laws and directives..
Newropeans is totally opposed to this decide without people way of proceeding!! And one of its 16 proposals is to give the EU parliament the right of initiative to propose laws. Which is the only right of the European Commission (which is also part of the executive power in Europe, another unique situation in our European democracies...)

We're planning to run in several countries, candidates have already been elected for Germany and Italy for collecting signatures reason.. others candidates will be announced in the weeks to come for France, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Slovakia

by David (dcarayol at yahoo.fr) on Sun Jan 4th, 2009 at 03:52:38 PM EST
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