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Member states rebuff extension of shoe tariffs | Policies | Trade | Multilateral trade | European Voice
Officials from a majority of EU states oppose Commission proposal to extend anti-dumping tariffs on leather shoes from China and Vietnam.

Trade diplomats from the European Union's member states today rejected a proposal by the European Commission to extend existing import duties on certain types of leather shoes produced in China and Vietnam.

The rebuff was delivered by trade diplomats on the EU's anti-dumping committee, a consultative body. No formal vote took place, but a headcount suggested that 15 member states were against the extension and 12 in favour.

The result is in no way legally binding on the Commission, but it is a political signal to the Commission to adjust its proposal before seeking the approval of member states' ministers.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 11:58:11 AM EST
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