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Zimbabwe, China ink 8 billion dollar investment deal: report
Harare (AFP) Nov 19, 2009
Zimbabwe's government and a Chinese investment company have signed an eight billion dollars investment deal, the biggest since the unity government was set up, state media reported on Thursday.

The signing of five agreements with China Sonangol, a private joint venture with Angola's state oil firm, will target gold and platinum refining, oil and gas exploration, fuel purchase and distribution, and housing, the Herald newspaper said.

"The signing... bears testimony to the relevance and efficacy of the Look East policy" adopted by the government four years ago, said Misheck Sibanda, chief secretary in President Robert Mugabe's office.

"It is hoped that the co-operation will continue to grow from strength to strength and through such efforts it is only a matter of time before Zimbabwe becomes the jewel of Africa."

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 12:40:41 PM EST
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