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Albania's opposition takes to the street in row over unopened ballot boxes | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 21.11.2009
Demonstrators in Tirana are camping in a city square to demand a probe into election fraud and a recount. This will never happen, says the country's conservative prime minister. 

Supporters of Albania's opposition party have set up camp to demand a recount in the country's general election.

Socialist party members and supporters spent the night in tents outside the office of conservative Prime Minister Sali Berisha, after marching through the capital Tirana.

They demanded that a number of ballot boxes that were declared invalid in the June election should be opened. Demonstrators want a probe into allegations of vote rigging and a recount of the poll.

The protests follow an agreement by EU foreign ministers that Albania should be considered for membership of the union. The Balkan country has been told by European ambassadors that it must be more serious about fighting corruption.

by Fran on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 12:49:31 PM EST
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