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Benito Mussolini sex diaries reveal he 'had 14 lovers at a time' - Times Online

The fascist dictator Benito Mussolini boasted of keeping 14 lovers at one time, according to an eye-popping account of his sex life which has emerged from the diaries of his long-term mistress.

The journals of Claretta Petacci, a Vatican doctor's daughter who met Mussolini in 1932 at the age of 20 and became his lover four years later, were published last week. Held in the Italian state archives, they cover the period from 1932 to 1938 and were released under Italy's 70-year rule.

Petacci was so jealous of the other women in Mussolini's life that she made him call her at least a dozen times a day, and every half hour after he got home in the evening, because she -- correctly -- suspected him of betraying her. She wrote down the times of the calls and their content.

"The diaries are an intimate chronicle, minute by minute, of the daily life of the founder of fascism," said Mauro Suttora, who edited the diaries for his book Secret Mussolini.

  [Murdoch Alert]
by Fran on Sun Nov 22nd, 2009 at 02:12:14 AM EST
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