Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
... a primal fear, a situation in which food is unavailable at any price.

Kill off the 98% of the world population which is currently powerless, rapidly becoming unemployed, by ANY means necessary (bombs, starvation, gas, etc.) leaving only the super-wealthy and a few necessary technicians/engineers/MDs etc. to cater to these survivors.  Think about it.  Literally Heaven on earth.

What do you say, Republicans/Tories?  With me on this one?

Oh yeah.  I volunteer to be one of the first to croak.

They tried to assimilate me. They failed.

by THE Twank (yatta blah blah @ blah.com) on Sun Nov 22nd, 2009 at 09:11:39 AM EST
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