Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training | International | Reuters

KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afghan army and police on Saturday to consolidate efforts on building an effective security force, a vital precondition for the withdrawal of foreign troops.

The existing U.S. training mission, CSTC-A, until now responsible for most of the training, is to merge with the new "NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan" (NTM-A), under a single NATO command, commanders said on Saturday at a ceremony in Kabul.

Deputy Commander of the new NATO mission Major General Michael Ward said he believed the move would encourage more NATO training personnel to be sent to Afghanistan, helping to speed the expansion of local forces.

"I'm very optimistic. We've identified what our needs are and we're bringing those back to NATO to get nations to contribute and we've already seen in this run-up, a significant number of people coming in with exactly the right skills," Ward told Reuters.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 11:35:17 AM EST
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Upper-Bracket Tax May Be Needed for Afghan War Cost, Levin Says - Bloomberg.com

Nov. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Higher-income Americans should be taxed to pay for more troops sent to Afghanistan and NATO should provide half of the new soldiers, said Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

An "additional income tax to the upper brackets, folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000" a year, could fund more troops, Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said in an interview for Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital With Al Hunt," airing this weekend.

White House Budget Director Peter Orszag has estimated that each additional soldier in Afghanistan could cost $1 million, for a total that could reach $40 billion if 40,000 more troops are added.

That cost, Levin said, should be paid by wealthier taxpayers. "They have done incredibly well, and I think that it's important that we pay for it if we possibly can" instead of increasing the federal debt load, the senator said.

Other countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should bear responsibility for delivering half the additional troops needed to secure the conflict zone and train Afghan forces, Levin said. He didn't predict how many troops President Barack Obama would add.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 12:35:40 PM EST
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Were Levin to insist on a large enough tax he would recruit a large number of Republicans to opposition to the Afgan war.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Sun Nov 22nd, 2009 at 12:01:18 AM EST
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As Afghans Resist Taliban, U.S. Spurs Rise of Militias | NY Times

ACHIN, Afghanistan -- American and Afghan officials have begun helping a number of anti-Taliban militias that have independently taken up arms against insurgents in several parts of Afghanistan, prompting hopes of a large-scale tribal rebellion against the Taliban.

The emergence of the militias, which took some leaders in Kabul by surprise, has so encouraged the American and Afghan officials that they are planning to spur the growth of similar armed groups across the Taliban heartland in the southern and eastern parts of the country.

The American and Afghan officials say they are hoping the plan, called the Community Defense Initiative, will bring together thousands of gunmen to protect their neighborhoods from Taliban insurgents. Already there are hundreds of Afghans who are acting on their own against the Taliban, officials say.

The endeavor represents one of the most ambitious -- and one of the riskiest -- plans for regaining the initiative against the Taliban, who are fighting more vigorously than at any time since 2001.

by the stormy present (stormypresent aaaaaaat gmail etc) on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 12:45:49 PM EST
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They must be paying these fighters well...
But in the past they did pay Taliban and look who they are fighting today.
There is no chance in Afghanistan for USA and NATO.

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein
by vbo on Sat Nov 21st, 2009 at 09:48:22 PM EST
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and it's 1-2-3 what are we fighting for ?
don't ask me, I don't give a damn
Next stop is Vi-et-nam

Still the most appropriate song about war

keep to the Fen Causeway

by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Sun Nov 22nd, 2009 at 06:00:55 AM EST
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