Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Why would I want to contribute to a blog where it is acceptable for anyone to make such a degrading remark about a woman and for it to go unchallenged?  

The fact that a number of people have said to you in various ways that such a remark is out of line here does not mean that we are all PC, OTT and having hissy fits over nothing.  

Why do you even see the need to comment on her looks at all? If we tolerate that kind of comment, then it appears everywhere - which is exactly what happens to women politicians in the media.  As soon as they show their faces, their policies don't matter, just their looks, boobs, shoes, dresses.  I'm sick to death of that, it is a reflection of how our society views and devalues women.

If you can't accept that we don't wish to perpetuate that devaluation of women on ET then go somewhere that doesn't give a shit.

by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Fri Nov 20th, 2009 at 05:50:37 PM EST
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