Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Giovanni Brusca was a major boss who was part of the commando that slaughtered Giovanni Falcone, his wife, Francesca Morvillo, and their escort (Antonio Montinari, Vito Schifani and Rocco Di Cillo.) He did not participate in the operation to kill Borsellino but declared that he knew about it.

For ambitious operations killers are chosen from various mandamenti. There is always a turnover to avoid burnouts (I don't recall the actual mafia term for the state of madness that afflicts killers. The mafia eliminates their killers that go over the edge- an occupational hazard.) Often the operation is divided into teams that have specific actions to carry out without knowing the identity of members of the other teams.

Spatuzza seems to be an exception, as he participated in all the major continental terrorist actions. He was the key go-between between his squads and the Gravianos.

Brusca became a state witness. His testimony led to the solution of many Mafia mysteries.

Brusca was the man who killed a collaborator's eight-year-old son, Giuseppe Di Matteo. The past week Spatuzza has been falsely branded as the man who materially committed that murder. He did participate in the kidnapping but turned the kid over to the second team whose identities he did not know at the time.

by de Gondi (publiobestia aaaatttthotmaildaughtusual) on Fri Dec 11th, 2009 at 01:03:25 PM EST
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