Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thanks for posting about this - I planned to make a note myself, but some other things came up between the time I hit "post" and the time I got back here to look at this site.

I love the AVE - love it, it was my first HSR experience, and as someone who loves Spain (and who will be going to Portugal later this spring) I love seeing updates about its progress.

My post on the CAHSR blog is little more than a Cliffs Notes version of DoDo's post and I encouraged people to come here for more info. I hope my post generates some discussion about the California-specific aspects of the general issues DoDo mentioned. I am certain that we will be returning to these ideas frequently on my blog and I am thankful to DoDo for putting this all together.

And the world will live as one

by Montereyan (robert at calitics dot com) on Mon Mar 16th, 2009 at 04:52:40 PM EST
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