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Did the EP go web crazy? « Public Affairs 2.0
Did the EP go web crazy?

March 17, 2009<!-- mstantongeddes-->

It certainly looks like they did to Public Affairs 2.0, and we like it.

The "Choice Box", which we gave you a sneak peak of in the previous post, is actually a interactive, multi-media studio which will travel around Europe, allowing people to record videos to send to MEPs and EuroparlTV.

This is just one part of the online component of the European Parliament Secretariat-General's European Elections 09 Communication Campaign, launched this morning.

The campaign has a unified message: Choice. They aim to show that citizens should be engaged because they have `to choose'. The EP was also at pains to point out that this campaign is institutional and non-partisan; the campaign does not support policies, positions, parties or people. Just the elections.

by Fran on Wed Mar 18th, 2009 at 03:21:55 PM EST
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