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He, Berlusconi...

I recall an article I recently read about some paparazzi who managed to photo him having sex with five(5!) models (called "vielos", "velioris" or something like that). The man is 72 years old! And the girls probably were only slightly older than that, all five of them together.

Ah, well, poor deGondi. I remember when he moaned that we were just making fun of his country, and that no one ever wrote about the cutting edge hi-tech industrial companies of Milano and so on...

Well. Sure. But... Italy is just too outrageous! I mean, Cicciolina, Gladio, P2, the nuclear phaseout, Berlusconi becoming prime minister, resigning because of corruption, becoming prime minister again, resigning again etc, Mussolini, Mussolini fandom, Mussolinis granddaughter as a major politician, Italian commercials (what we in the rest of Europe call soft porn), mobs attacking gypsie camps, Lega Nord wanting to build a wall along the Slovenian border, the Pope, the Eternal City, great wine, greater wine, Mussolini wine, even greater food, Carabineris, the N'drangeta, the N'drangeta having shootouts at Pizzerias in small German cities, a complete failure to deal with the trash in Napoli, Mara Carfagna as minister of equality just because Berlusconi want to oogle at her tits, Berlusconi insulting people like Sarko at random (about his wife!) etc etc etc!

Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.

by Starvid on Tue Mar 24th, 2009 at 10:46:20 AM EST
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Oh, and might I add the fact we are in a situation where a democratic fascist party is "the lesser evil"! ;D

Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.
by Starvid on Tue Mar 24th, 2009 at 10:50:10 AM EST
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