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Oops, I think we're screwed. (mig)

And who is this we you mention?  Not the wealthy elites I'd venture.

I think...maybe hope is a better word, that Obama gets it, but has to play out the rituals until it becomes clear enough to take action.

When the time comes, Jerome has written the blueprint. (greatferm)

If Jerome's blueprint doesn't include the wealthy/elites gaining even more power and China laying claim to the world's assets in exchange for all that worthless debt in the form of paper, we will never see Jerome's blueprint.  This ain't no democracy.  Cattle have no rights.

They tried to assimilate me. They failed.

by THE Twank (yatta blah blah @ blah.com) on Sat Mar 21st, 2009 at 01:26:15 PM EST

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