Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Really, I am, I am pretty stupid and therefore I have stupid reasoning such as this:

If the strength of any currency is a representation of of any nations wealth, as expressed in GDP.  And if GDP is really the measure of the material things made to satisfy a want or need, why are we fiddle-fucking around by playing grab-ass with financial institutions?

I mean, and I'm pretty stupid, I don't understand why we don't take abandoned factories and mills, put people to work doing so, then let firms make concrete, material "things" like wave turbines or solar devices, you know, what they used to call capital back in the 1800s.

I mean, and I'm pretty stupid, doesn't this actually generate wealth and prosperity rather than generating money like the fed did last week?

Hey, I know that the MIC is pretty evil.  They devise more ways to kill before 9 Am than most people do all day.  But they also make airliners, made the internet, and those cool gadgets that we send into space and to Mars that function like porn to the really smart guys and gals from MIT when they get the results back.

I also get they employ a vast number of people, blue and white collar, to make things and so shutting down the MIC is not feasible politically or economically.

But why can't we make even more things like wind turbines and electric grids rather than new star wars blaster ray guns as they did last week.  Ooooo boy, were the engineers having an orgasm over that one while I thought great, another way to kill people.

So in the meantime, we fiddle around with generating money and not with generating wealth.  So, we aren't worth much but we gots us lots of money!

But what do I know?  I'm pretty stupid.

I am just grateful all the smart guys are in charge!

"Schiller sprach zu Goethe, Steck in dem Arsch die Flöte! Goethe sagte zu Schiller, Mein Arsch ist kein Triller!"

by Jeffersonian Democrat (rzg6f@virginia.edu) on Sat Mar 21st, 2009 at 12:33:27 PM EST

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