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EU to start putting up election billboards - EUobserver

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Parliament will from 1 April begin putting up billboards around Europe to try to get voters interested in the upcoming EU election.

The 10 images, created by Berlin-based advertising company Scholz & Friends Group, are designed to show that EU lawmaking is relevant to people's everyday lives.

The financial crisis poster - some of the images flatter MEPs' powers

They depict two to three options in various policy areas on a blue background with the slogan "Use your vote in the European Parliament Elections" and the country-relevant date from 4 to 7 June.

For food safety, there is a supermarket chicken with no labels and one plastered with nutritional information. On fuel types, there is a petrol can, an electric battery and a clump of rapeseed to stand for biofuel.

If the Lisbon treaty goes through, the parliament's powers of legal co-decision with the European Commission and member states will be extended to new areas such as immigration and police co-operation.

by Fran on Fri Mar 27th, 2009 at 03:08:41 PM EST
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