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Jon Worth » Why is the choice of EP President more interesting than choice of Commission President?

My discontent about the lack of choice about the future President of the European Commission is well known. But it seems - bizarrely - that the choice of the President of the European Parliament might actually become a bit more interesting. President of the EP is a largely symbolic role, chairing the sessions and with some external representation tasks. Perhaps the election intrigue is a manifestation of the old Henry Kissinger quote that "university European Parliament politics are so vicious because the stakes are so small"?

Anyway, so what's going on? Essentially the President of the EP is usually a tie-up between the 2 main political groups in the Parliament, the EPP-ED and PSE. Each gets the Parliament President for about two and a half years of the five year parliamentary term. Josep Borrell, a socialist, preceeded Hans-Gert Pöttering, a christian democrat, in the current term.

For the 2009-2014 term the socialists want to put forward tub-thumper Martin Schulz, but as a German national he cannot follow Pöttering. So the EPP-ED will get the first call - if tradition is respected. Former Polish PM Jerzy Buzek was the most likely candidate, although now Silvio Berlusconi - with the additional backing of Alleanza Nationale in the EPP, want their own man - Mario Mauro. See this from Euractiv that explains the games.

by Fran on Fri Mar 27th, 2009 at 03:18:55 PM EST
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