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EurActiv.com - EU Democrats mull new Parliament group with Libertas | EU - European Information on EU Elections 09
The Euro-critical EU Democrats (EUD) could form a new European Parliament group with anti-Lisbon Treaty platform Libertas after the June elections, EUD President Sören Wibe told EurActiv in an interview.

This surprising revelation comes after Wibe's national party Junilistan (the June List) rejected Libertas' "aggressive" advances in Sweden earlier this year to merge the two parties for the European elections. Wibe claims that under the terms of this offer, "if we changed our name to Junilistan-Libertas and ran some candidates under the Libertas banner [...] they [Libertas] could provide us with one million euros".

Despite this rejection, Wibe, who is Junilistan's leader and top candidate for the June elections, said that some form of cooperation may be possible after the election results are known, depending on what specific policy programme Libertas outlined in the coming weeks.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Mon Apr 6th, 2009 at 03:57:20 PM EST
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