Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In the Battle of Algiers, hardened terrorists used quite a few naive souls who thought it was cool to carry bombs around. Those soft targets would break instantaneously under torture.

The real problem with torture is that it's not really a playing out of the soul (ex-anima-tion). So people will often say whatever to make the torture stop.

That is why information extracted under torture could not be used judicially (but the police, around 1300 CE, found that scientific torture, so to speak was extremely efficient). By 1600 CE, it had become too soft, though.


Patrice Ayme Patriceayme.com Patriceayme.wordpress.com http://tyranosopher.blogspot.com/

by Patrice Ayme on Tue Apr 21st, 2009 at 12:19:19 PM EST
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