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Lechergate continues with a hot spread in the Italian weekly L'Espresso

L'Espresso reveals that Berlusconi also had a week long party bash in 2007 with droves of aspiring Sophonisbes decorating every angle of his villa. The article points out that Berlusconi is likely to be subject to blackmail and notes some possible coincidences involving beautiful women who become happy owners of roof-top apartments in the center of Rome.

The real treat is a wiretap between Berlusconi and "Evelina" Manna within minutes after la Repubblica revealed the famous Agostino Saccà taps (among others, here). The conversation reveals that Evelina felt there was something special between them, that she wasn't just another little whore.

Evelina: I still believe there's something special, I still do. In the world of dreams, no? So, I...I was about to call you-
Berlusconi: Dream worlds are the diametrically opposed to the world of the press-
Evelina: No, no! A world of dreams with you! So, I... I was about to call you-
Berlusconi: OK, listen, take my advice, do what you want... there's no way to resist the wave of mud that the press is capable of. Enough, I'm not going to repeat it again. Don't talk to the press.
Evelina: Don't be so cold with me, oh!
Berlusconi: I cannot not be cold, now, OK. Bye. ...Follow my advice. Ciao.
by de Gondi (publiobestia aaaatttthotmaildaughtusual) on Fri May 29th, 2009 at 06:52:54 AM EST
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L'Espresso has been unable to find out where 950,000 euro came from to pay for Evelina's attic apartment in Via Giulia overlooking Rome rooftops, following the exposé.

Ms. Manna refused to answer questions.

by de Gondi (publiobestia aaaatttthotmaildaughtusual) on Fri May 29th, 2009 at 06:56:44 AM EST
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