Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
It seems like you might have done a little browsing at my place.
Maybe I should post some of those images with my commentary on them here instead of a simple set of titled images. They might be viewed entirely differently with my reasoning behind them, not that I`m of the age of reason yet.
Please tell me what you think.
And do, please, feel welcome to go through my archives, & bring your friends. I don`t say this for visit #`s or clicks or comments, because I don`t ever check those stats nor care what they mean. But you mostly will laugh, occasionally tear-up (maybe) or get to see things in an often unconventional light.
95% of my subject matter is shot within a relatively small area from where I sit now.
I sure hope I don`t sound ill mannered in any way. It`s simply an honest invite.

The difference between theists and atheists is that the atheists don't set the theists on fire for refusing to agree with them.
by Knucklehead on Mon Jun 1st, 2009 at 03:19:20 AM EST
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