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Eh, eh... That's what I feel too :-) But then it's the 180/2.8 AI that is an exceptional lens in whatever version (AI, AIS, AFD)!!! I bought mine used when I was 25 (Eeek)!

Thank you for the link ! The DP2 seems a good pocket camera, but those aren't my cup of tea... I used to go everywhere with a Bronica SQ 6x6, even on top of mountains (younger then). So weight or conspicuousness isn't a problem for me, on the contrary.
I feel that once the camera (and the photographer) is seen frankly, he isn't felt as a menace after some time... And big cameras often help for a chat :-)

Though I came into digital with the Coolpix series (swivel ones), I do like the 24x36 feel. I might change when getting older still or when Leica will have a true M something (though I would need to win the loto then...) :-)

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman

by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 04:36:27 AM EST
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Just to add that what bothers me more is the lens size. Or to be more precise, those new zooms that are just monstrous (Aka 24-70/2.8)!

I often dream at a zoom that would be as the Leica Tri-Elmar, three primes in one lens, no in between focal length.
A 35-50-85, f/4 would be a dream for traveling :-)

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman

by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 04:49:44 AM EST
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I bought mine used when I was 25 (Eeek)!

So that was about 15 years ago ;)

Hey, Grandma Moses started late!

by LEP on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 05:07:57 AM EST
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That's what my parents did... After they were 40, their birthday cake was definitely stuck with the same number of candles... I didn't realize until much older, as it seemed normal at that time :-)

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman
by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 05:13:42 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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