Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
This is an excellent diary for one of the marketing persuasion - as I am. Thanks for the translations and background. If it is not too late I would like to see diaries like this from all over Europe so that we can compare.

What about it ET?

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 02:38:12 PM EST
Even posting a few photos here will do. (In addition to one in Paris from LEP in the latest photo blog.)

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 02:47:36 PM EST
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BTW, do you have a camera? :-) I'd be curious how wild or tame, loud or unnoticeable the campaign is in Helsinki.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 02:48:58 PM EST
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I shall be getting down to that...

You can't be me, I'm taken
by Sven Triloqvist on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 03:06:57 PM EST
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From the party site: Lowres Video

The tag line is: Me pidämme ääntä niidenkin puolesta jotka eivät siihen pysty. Roughly 'We also give voice to those who are not able to (don't have a voice).' 'Ääni' (sound, voice) is also the root of 'äänesta' (to vote).

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 03:26:43 PM EST
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The UK selection campaign has mainly been flyers and party political broadcasts on TV. I haven't noticed and posters anywhere, apart from one sticker on a lamppost for a No2EU meeting.
by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 03:31:21 PM EST
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Election not selection...
by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 03:31:46 PM EST
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Was there a lot to drink at that marriage you went to ? </beverage snark>

"What can I do, What can I write, Against the fall of Night". A.E. Housman
by margouillat (hemidactylus(dot)frenatus(at)wanadoo(dot)fr) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 04:18:28 PM EST
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Huh! Plenty but none for me since I was on my feet all day with the camera and then had to drive home!
by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 05:19:05 PM EST
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BTW, I would also love to watch you and ThatBritGuy tear the design of these and other posters to virtual pieces from an expert viewpoint...

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 04:58:15 PM EST
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They don't need tearing - they tear themselves with more than usual obviousness.

One of the sadder things about official political parties is the reliably dull and plodding media campaigns they generate.

Obama's campaign was the brilliant exception. But most political media have the finesse and charm of a poisoned dead tree - especially in Europe, unfortunately.

There's a long history of it.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 05:31:49 PM EST
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Sadly I don't know the audience, so I can only comment on the visual profile. From the top:

soft business
amateur punk
Hidden dagger
5 year plan retro

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Sun May 31st, 2009 at 05:33:39 PM EST
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