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Hi Sven, I feel your comment is over the top - tone wise.

I am not totally comfortable with the new design either. But there were complaints that the Salon titel is confusing to newcomers and thus we tried to integrate a explanation for what the Salon is about into the header.

The culprit for the colors is me - I thought we should stick with the EU colors - however, one of the problems is, that different browsers and screens seem to show the colors differently. I tested it on different computers, on one the box looks yellow and on my laptop it looks pinkish. That difference also goes for other colors of the whole page.

Also it is not that we lack ideas and inspirations, but as Millman mentions, scoop seems to be limiting what can be implemented.

Hopefully with the new platform, new designs are going to be possible.

by Fran on Fri May 15th, 2009 at 03:32:28 AM EST
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