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EUobserver / Economic guru calls for tax harmonisation to save single market

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A compromise deal between the EU's 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'social market' economies is the best way to secure Europe's future economic strength and social stability, says former EU competition commissioner Mario Monti.

Speaking at the Brussels Economic Forum on Thursday (14 May), an annual meeting point for some of the globe's most influential economic policy makers, Mr Monti added that the current crisis provided an excellent opportunity to secure such a deal.

Former commissioner Mario Monti advocated a compromise economic model at the Brussels Economic Forum on Thursday (14 May)

"To avoid frustration in both groups of countries resulting in resentment against Europe generally and the single market specifically, the EU should, in my view, grab this chance that was not there one year ago," he said.

The Anglo-Saxon economies of the UK and Ireland, together with many new member states, have in the past voiced their frustration with continental countries such as France for failing to comply with single market rules, such as competition and state aid requirements.

by Fran on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 03:32:28 PM EST
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Who is this guy? He sounds like a "reform" apologist who's pretending that the "Anglo-Saxon" and "Continental" models are equally viable and have equal standing in negotiations.

They're not. Casino capitalism has failed. Miserably. Again. When you have a turd in one hand and a banana in the other, you don't make a bananasplit and call it "compromise." You go wash your hands, then you eat the banana.

- Jake

Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.

by JakeS (JangoSierra 'at' gmail 'dot' com) on Fri May 15th, 2009 at 08:50:49 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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