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EUobserver / New EU political group open to Libertas members

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - An emerging anti-federalist political group in the European Parliament would be open to take in Libertas members, if the anti-treaty party is unable to form a group itself.

The British Conservative party, the Czech Republic's ODS and Poland's Law and Justice party are currently in talks with several smaller parties to form a new anti-EU integration group after the elections next month.

Mr Walesa - anti-Communist hero and Libertas' star turn in Rome and Madrid

The new group aims to unveil its name and full membership shortly after the election result on 7 June.

Jan Zahradil, the head of the ODS delegation in Brussels, told EUobserver on Thursday (14 May) that more than four smaller parties have already signed up, but do not want to go public yet.

by Fran on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 03:36:36 PM EST
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