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EUobserver / Commission gives Paris a pass over piracy bill

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The French Senate on Wednesday (13 May) approved the government's `three strikes' bill, safe in the knowledge that the European Commission will not launch any legal action against Paris as a result of the legislation, which falls afoul of the wishes of the European Parliament.

Ms Reding says she is sympathetic to the European parliament's perspective

The law, which cuts off internet access to users found to be repeatedly downloading copyright content without the permission of the owner, was passed 189 to 14. Opposition Socialist deputies boycotted the vote.

On Tuesday, the French lower house also passed the bill, meaning the law has surmounted all hurdles and will likely be enacted some time in the autumn.

Under the legislation, a scofflaw web-surfer is first sent an email warning, then a letter through the post and, finally, as the third 'strike,' her internet access can be interrupted for up to a year - a series of actions also referred to as a `graduated response'.

by Fran on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 03:37:27 PM EST
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