Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Sven Triloqvist:
I can't tell you how much

but you can and did...

a bit discourteous for a vizier, sven!

i can't code for shit, so making an aesthetic judgement would be tactless, plenty of prettier sites, but none with the funk and grit of ET!

you can code, but don't want to offer a better version, what's with that?

it might not win any beauty contests, but CONTENT IS KING!

and for who ever it is responsible, well done for trying...

'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 05:53:21 PM EST
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Never have, beyond pascal. But I do know how to brief coders. And you are right -'Content is king'. So why cheapen it?

You can't be me, I'm taken
by Sven Triloqvist on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 06:12:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]
i guess ET's style is 'no-style', so far, straight down the line, little fuss or muss, to distract one from the content.

your presence, and others like you are the sizzle...


'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Thu May 14th, 2009 at 08:48:11 PM EST
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No style is fine. It's a useful statement or USP in the context of all the blogs around. Wikipedia does no-style very successfully. But no-style is not a substitute for simplicity and usability.

You can't be me, I'm taken
by Sven Triloqvist on Fri May 15th, 2009 at 05:32:17 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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