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Tesco 'breaking promise' to South African fruit pickers | Business | guardian.co.uk

Anti-poverty campaigners have accused Tesco of breaking a pledge to improve the pay and working conditions of South African fruit pickers who have helped the retail giant to record annual profits of more than £3bn.

Three years ago the company agreed to look at the plight of the workers - predominantly women - who are at the bottom of Tesco's lengthy but highly profitable fruit supply chain, after embarrassing scrutiny of its overseas labour practices.

But interviews by the Guardian with female workers on Tesco supplier farms near Cape Town reveal they are still only being paid South Africa's "minimum" rather than a "living" wage - which they complain leaves them barely enough to feed and clothe their children. Those interviewed are receiving just 1,231 rand, equivalent to £97.90, per month.

by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Sat May 16th, 2009 at 06:35:14 AM EST
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