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BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Police break up Moscow gay march

Police in Russia have broken up a march by gay rights activists in Moscow, staged to coincide with the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Several dozen campaigners had gathered near a university in defiance of a ban and some were dragged away by police when they tried to shout slogans.

British gay rights activist, Peter Tatchell, was among those detained.

Earlier, a counter-demonstration by nationalist and religious groups was allowed to go ahead.

The gay rights group had been waving flags and chanting slogans demanding equal rights and condemning the treatment of gays and lesbians in Russia.

As he was being taken away by police, Mr Tatchell shouted: "This shows the Russian people are not free."

by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Sat May 16th, 2009 at 06:43:38 AM EST
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