Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Independent: Pakistan: Refugees' plight worsens in searing heat

The hundreds of thousands of refugees now pouring out of the mountainous Swat are used to cooler climes and clean air - but they are running straight into the perilous embrace of Pakistan's sweltering summer. Aid officials warn that the soaring temperatures are already taking a merciless toll on the refugees. Children in particular are falling victim to heat stroke and dehydration. And in such cramped conditions and with poor sanitation and little water, the heat makes it more likely that diseases will spread.

Already overstretched by the 900,000 people estimated by the UN to have fled from Swat and the surrounding areas of Buner and Lower Dir in the past three weeks, officials are bracing themselves for more. Yesterday thousands of refugees streamed from Swat after the military temporarily lifted a curfew, allowing residents to escape so that it can engage the militants in "street-to-street fighting".
by Sassafras on Sat May 16th, 2009 at 08:23:29 AM EST
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Al Jazeera: Pakistani forces raid Taliban bases

Pakistan's military has launched fresh attacks on suspected Taliban positions in the northwest of the country as thousands more civilians flee the conflict zone.

At least 47 suspected Taliban fighters have been killed in raids by Pakistani forces across the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) in the last 24 hours, the military said on Saturday.

The majority of those fleeing the fighting between the Taliban and the military in the NWFP are heading towards 23 refugee camps set up across the NWFP by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

"By Friday evening, 987,140 people were registered as displaced since May 2," Ariane Rummery, a spokeswoman for UNRWA, said.

by Sassafras on Sat May 16th, 2009 at 08:38:26 AM EST
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