Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
good point regarding the exchange rate system,, but there was talk not too long ago about diversifying their currency reserves (e.g. when the Euro was introduced), so I do think they have at least partially an investment view on their reserves, not just an exchange rate mechanism.

And if they want to /must purchase USD assets, then I think they should also invest in "real" stuff like perhaps wind farms (I presume they are not as polticially sensitive as when Cnooc tried to overtake Unocal).

Then build a huge HVDC line to China across the Pacific to transfer the electricity to China, because MWh are a more stable currency than the USD ;-))

by crankykarsten (cranky (where?) gmx dot organisation) on Tue Jun 2nd, 2009 at 11:23:44 AM EST
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