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U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons

HAARP's Critics

The cost of building HAARP has exceeded the dollar-adjusted cost of similar facilities around the world. HAARP was constructed at the site of an obsoleted over-the-horizon radar facility for political reasons, but its location was less than ideal from a scientific perspective. Some believe that it was constructed as a pork barrel project for Alaska by Senator Ted Stevens.

The objectives of the HAARP project became the subject of controversy in the mid-1990s, following claims that the antennas could be used as a weapon. A small group of American physicists aired complaints in scientific journals such as Physics and Society, charging that HAARP could be seeking ways to blow other countries' spacecraft out of the sky or disrupt communications over large portions of the planet. The physicist critics of HAARP have had little complaint about the project's current stage, but have expressed fears that it could in future be expanded into an experimental weapon.  

Lots of speculation on Russia and Tectonic Arms, Hermes III program and MHD Induced Seismicity. However, the combination of HAARP tests as a tectonic weapon is pure nonsense IMO and too much Hollywood fiction and fantasy.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jan 22nd, 2010 at 08:00:08 AM EST

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