Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I'd wager that there will be just as much backtalk and frowning when a man is, say, giving a presentation while there is an erection clearly outlined in his trousers. While everyone should know that erections can be involuntarily.

That is why men need a pessiere to not only keep the stuff from dangling uncontrollably but also - with clever padding - enhance looks and hide erections!

Idea shamelessly copied from Gerd Brantenberg

Gerd Mjøen Brantenberg (born October 27, 1941) is a Norwegian author, teacher, and feminist writer. She is also the cousin of radio and tv entertainer Lars Mjøen.

Her most famous novel is Egalias døtre ("The Daughters of Egalia"), which was published in 1977 in Norway. In the novel the female is defined as the normal and the male as the abnormal, subjugated sex. All words that are normally in masculine form are given in a feminine form, and vice versa.

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by A swedish kind of death on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 at 06:13:40 AM EST
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