Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
It's an old recipe for authoritarian movements and regimes. The best way to make a group of humans follow their leaders blindly and support whatever criminal policies they pursue is to make them feel they are vitims or potential victims and threatened by other (real or imaginary) groups.

It is the core strategy of the French Front National, who tells the old white people they are victims of anti-white racism. It is also at the core of Sarkozy's strategy.

When we look at the map in your diary, one is lead to wonder if there is any chance for a two-states solution to succeed even with a different Israeli government.

"Ce qui vient au monde pour ne rien troubler ne mérite ni égards ni patience." René Char

by Melanchthon on Thu Oct 7th, 2010 at 08:48:52 AM EST

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