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What? How will this engagement end?

I think one important thing to remember is that we don't get all the facts back home. The fact that the war has already been going for 9 years without victory doesn't mean victory is impossible - it might just as well mean the people in charge have been plodding idiots. After all, that's characterised the rest of the Bush administration. While it seems hard to believe to people without experience of military bureaucracy, it's not at all impossible that no one important considered that the best way to defeat the insurgency might be counterinsurgency tactics. Witness for example the very liberal use of airstrikes, which is a sure sign of doing it wrong. Now that McChrystal is in charge, things are already changing fast, and given that we've already been there for 9 years we might well give him a few more to let his new tactics be implemented and yield results. It would after all be pretty silly to surrender now, just to later understand we were at the brink of victory.

Peak oil is not an energy crisis. It is a liquid fuel crisis.

by Starvid on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 at 02:26:48 PM EST
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