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the new strategy developed and implemented under President Obama will lead to a successful exit of military engagement by the end on 2011.

What? How will this engagement end? From the US completely withdrawing from Afghanistan militarily? Or by the US completely and decisively subduing Afghan resistance to its occupation?

As far as the first possibility goes, the intensity of US base-building in Afghanistan shows it has no intention of leaving.

In Afghanistan, the Pentagon Digs in

While the United States officially insists that it is not setting up permanent bases in Afghanistan, the scale and permanency of the construction underway at Bagram seems to suggest, at the least, a very long stay. According to published reports, in fact, the new terminal facilities for the complex aren't even slated to be operational until 2011.

A bomb, H bomb, Minuteman / The names get more attractive / The decisions are made by NATO / The press call it British opinion -- The Three Johns
by Alexander on Sat Feb 20th, 2010 at 01:45:52 PM EST
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