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Part 104

Football (of a sort) in knee-deep snow

Time once agin for the annual Snow Soccer World Championships. Forget Vancouver, Hyrynsalmi in Eastern Finland is where the action is.

Women's third division football team FC Niin Ookoo ("So OK") from the western city of Vaasa have also set their sights on winning the whole thing.
      "We came here with victory in mind", confirms Johanna Tamsi.
      "We have prepared carefully. We trained not once but twice."
      Pushing the team minibus back on the road from an excursion into the ditch the previous night also served as a last-minute fitness test.
      It seems to have helped: FC Niin OoKoo breeze through their qualifying group undefeated, scoring eight goals without reply.
      But they fall in the semi-finals and can hope for no better than bronze.

You can't be me, I'm taken
by Sven Triloqvist on Sun Feb 14th, 2010 at 09:16:50 AM EST
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