Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thanks Starvid.  Thanks everyone for the input, infact.

Yes, I'm am not particularly looking for investment advice per se, but rather a list of things that I can bring with me to a meeting with an advisor and ask "what about these vehicles for investment, what's your take?" instead of being at the mercy of a salesman who wants me to invest in American mortgage backed securities.

But I thank every one for their input and think I've gained some ideas to bring to the table as well.

Thanks all

"Schiller sprach zu Goethe, Steck in dem Arsch die Flöte! Goethe sagte zu Schiller, Mein Arsch ist kein Triller!"

by Jeffersonian Democrat (rzg6f@virginia.edu) on Sat Mar 27th, 2010 at 08:41:29 AM EST
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