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Energy Bankers à Paris mandated as financial advisor for offshore project "Gode Wind II"

19 April 2010 - PNE WIND AG has taken a further step in the financing of their offshore wind farm project "Gode Wind II" by mandating Energy Bankers à Paris (EBAP) as financial advisor. The EBAP team, led by Jérôme Guillet, will assist PNE WING AG to procure non recourse debt financing for the project from commercial banks and public financial institutions.

The offshore wind farm "Gode Wind II" was approved by the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) in 2009. Situated in the North Sea at about 33 kilometers off Norderney island, this project will allow for the construction of up to 80 offshore wind turbines. PNE WIND AG is working together with wind turbine manufacturer Vestas for the technical development of "Gode Wind II". The beginning of realization of the offshore wind farm "Gode Wind II" is planned for 2011/2012. "Gode Wind II" is directly adjacent to the offshore wind farm project "Gode Wind I," which has also already received its BSH approval and is also fully owned by PNE WIND AG. In both projects together, 160 offshore wind turbines can be installed with a rated power of up to 800 MW.

Company profiles

Energy Bankers à Paris was founded in early 2010 by Jérôme Guillet and three other former project finance bankers with experience in structuring and arranging large scale non recourse financings for the renewable energy sector. Its principals were direct participants, as lead arrangers, in all the offshore wind farm projects to have been financed on a non-recourse basis to this date, and have been involved with several offshore wind projects in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Belgium on a advisory basis. Together, they have been directly and personally instrumental to the successful financing of more than 3,000 MW of renewable energy projects. EBAP is currently advising several European offshore wind projects on their debt-financing plans.

PNE WIND AG, with its headquarters in Cuxhaven, develops and implements wind farm projects on land (onshore) and at high sea (offshore). Its core competence is the development, planning, implementation and financing of wind farms and their operation or sale including subsequent service. So far, the company has successfully completed 93 wind farms with 536 wind energy systems and a total nominal output of 772 MW.

Alongside its business activities in the established German home market, PNE WIND AG is also increasingly investing in dynamic growth markets and has subsidiaries and representations via joint ventures in Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, the UK, Ireland, Romania, USA and Canada. Wind farm projects with a nominal output of up to 1,400 MW are currently being processed in these countries and are to be implemented in the medium term. In Germany (onshore), wind farm projects with a nominal output of more than 300 MW are currently being processed.

Furthermore, PNE WIND AG develops offshore wind farm projects, three of which have already been approved in German waters. Entering promising foreign markets is also being examined for the offshore area.

Wind power
by Jerome a Paris (etg@eurotrib.com) on Mon Apr 19th, 2010 at 08:43:07 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Bravo !

"Ce qui vient au monde pour ne rien troubler ne mérite ni égards ni patience." René Char
by Melanchthon on Mon Apr 19th, 2010 at 08:57:12 AM EST
[ Parent ]
nice one.

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Apr 19th, 2010 at 01:26:40 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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